This is just a small note to tell you, in the event that you have not filed a nodenumber yet, what we suggest that you include in your message to the Net Coordinator, for a nodenumber request. First, according to Policy 4, it is required that you be familiar with its regulations and rules, prior to applying a nodenumber. It is highly suggested that you read this prior to applying for a nodenumber. Your request must be in the form of Netmail, addressed to 1:147/0. Therefore you should be able to send and receive Netmail before you request a nodenumber. The items that we request as part of your Netmail message to 1:147/0 is as follows: 1. That you have read Policy 4 and that you agree and will comply with its rules. 2. The sysop's real name Name of the bulletin board Hours of operation Phone number for the bulletin board Max Baud Rate Sysop's Voice phone number Any restrictions or tags to be applied (found at the bottom of the nodelist). 3. The nodelist entry as it should appear in the nodelist, such as: ,999,XYZ_BBS,Oklahoma_City_OK,John_Smith,1-405-555-1212,2400,CM (and any other tags or restrictions that apply). If you have a specific nodenumber request, you can make that known at the time you apply for your nodenumber. The Net Coordinator will try to honor your request, if it's within reason or if it's possible. Be aware however, there is NO guarantee of getting what you request.